New Year’s Resolutions… you can keep

Another year almost over! How fast has this year gone? and just how crazy has it been?!

Last year I set myself four resolutions and I am pleased to say I have succeeded in achieving 3 out of 4! Two I fully achieved and two I half achieved, making three 🙂

  • I bought a house… 1 point
  • I read 35 books (not quite 52 this year like last year)… 1/2 point
  • I made a success of my business, well I’m still here so I count that as a win… 1 point
  • I’ve been healthy, well I started at the gym two months ago and am determined to stick to it… 1/2 point

I say that’s not too bad going, what do you think? This year I have made much more precise and accountable resolutions, some quite personal to me, like finishing renovating my house and successfully launching my new business, but I wanted to focus this on New Year’s resolutions that you can do too! So here are 5 New Year resolutions that you can actually keep.

Happy new Year from She Gets Around

5 New Year’s Resolutions (and how to keep them).

1. Travel to 3 new places

I have set this as my New Year’s resolution every year for the last 6 years and have successfully stuck to it. I try to make it to at least 3 new countries but new places can make it more achievable. Whether it is a new country or a new city or town in your home country, make it your mission to visit at least three new places this year.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to gain new experiences, to meet new people and try new things. Start your annual bucket list today or just go with the flow and see where the wind takes you. Set aside your three weekends, weeks, days or longer for this year’s new places and go explore. Here are some of the places I am hoping to visit in 2017.

Montenegro Travel plans 2017

2. Figure out what you’re willing to struggle for

I recently read this article about asking ‘what are you willing to struggle for‘, rather than asking ‘what do you want’? It really resonated with me and is so true. Rarely do amazing things come easy, it takes sweat and pain to lose weight, it involves hard work and perhaps long hours to make a successful business, the perfect relationship doesn’t come easy either.

When you want something, most of the time you have to work hard to get it, so rather than asking what you want, ask what lengths you are willing to go to get there. If you want to lose weight what kind of exercise are you willing to put yourself through to get there? what food are you willing to give up? If you want to travel more, then what do you have to do to save the money or get the time off from work and other commitments? What are you willing to struggle for to make your New Year resolutions come true.

new year resolutions 2017 what are you willing to struggle for?

3. Keep a journal of what you’re thankful for

We spend far too much time dwelling on the negative things that happen in our life, worrying about what someone else thinks about us and worrying about things that probably will never happen. This year it is time to focus on the positive!

Be thankful for what you have in your life and take note of it. Whether it is daily, weekly or monthly, make regular time to write down what you are thankful for in your life, the big and the small things. It is amazing what a bit of positivity can do for your morale and your productivity.

Start a journal in 2017

4. Do something small each day towards your big goals

No big goal was ever achieved in one day. Whether it is to write a book, to earn a million pounds, to travel the world, all big goals take time. They can seem daunting and huge when looking at the final goal, but the trick is to break it down into smaller chunks and do something small each towards achieving it.

So whether it is writing for 10 minutes a day, emailing one potential new client or taking some time to plan your world travels, do something, however small it may seem, each day. After 365 days of small actions towards your goal I promise by the end of 2017 you will either have achieved or be one hell of a lot closer to achieving it.

Christmas book tree

5. Have fun

This year my blog is going to help you find the fun in everything you do, from the boring stuff to the more naturally fun stuff. Accounts, scuba-diving, paperwork, safaris, the ironing… whatever it is we can find a way to find it fun.

Think differently about the way you do things, focus on what you enjoy, what makes you giggle and have lots of fun!

Fun and laughter will be sure to make you happier and happy people are healthier and more successful so all in all it’s a win win situation.

So go have more fun !

Have more fun in 2017

Are you ready for 2017? Have you got any more resolutions to add to the list?

Wishing you all the best of years and keep me posted on how you get on.


New year's resolutions you can keep

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  1. Great list Jen. Reminding yourself what you’re thankful for, instead of always thinking what would improve your life is a great thing to do and really healthy way to look at life – I started doing it last year and plan to do the same in 2017! Happy New Year x

    1. Thanks Lucy. It’s so important to be happy for what you have or you will always be chasing happiness and never make it. Happy New Year x

  2. I like it – I tend to make travel resolutions rather than life ones (except general vague thoughts of being more organised, finding work-life balance and things which develop over the year if they happen at all!) I’m planning to keep a gratitude jar though, which a friend suggested: one note per day and I can happily read them all in 12 months time.

    1. Hi Cathy, Love the idea of the gratitude jar. That’s a lot of gratitude to look back on at the end of the year, easier than a diary though. I might do this myself 🙂

      Happy New Year

  3. I am all for having fun. That’s one of my big things this yearto just have fun in everything I do. Yay for fun times! Thanks for the post.

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