Quotes to live by in 2013
Now who heard the secret and spent their New Year’s Eve in a foreign land this year?

I had a brilliant evening in Cape Coast, Ghana. The night started with tasty fresh lobster and cocktails on the beach at the Stumble Inn, before heading back to our sophisticated hotel ‘The Savoy’ to get ready for the full evening to begin with flowing Champagne and 7 pence sachets of gin with Alvaro juice. (Yes only SEVEN pence!)

The night was spent at Oasis Bar with a mixture of locals and other travellers and volunteers dancing the night away to an array of African beats. We were mesmerised by the incredible local dancers – Wow do these Ghanaians have moves. There were fireworks, sparklers and a fire far too hot to stand next to on the beach. The drinks were cheap, the sweat was flowing down our bodies and the music was keeping us moving all night long. It was a fabulous way to start the New Year … the secret worked… again!

I was going to share with you the many, many resolutions I made for the New Year, but instead of boring you with the usual plans only to get added to the ever increasing list for 2014, I decided to share with you a few of my favourite quotes to help 2013 be successful, happy and a lot of fun.
‘99% of the things you worry about never happen’ – My mum
‘Instead of worrying about making the right decision. Make a decision and make it the RIGHT one!’ – Lucy W’s friend
‘Just F**king do it’ or my personal favourite ‘Just F**king BOOK it’ (for all those trips you are just not sure whether to take or not, I can tell you with utter honesty, I have never regretted a single penny I have spent on travel and seeing our incredible world.)
And a trusty favourite of many…
‘You must be the change you want to see in the world’ – Mahatma Ghandi.

So when those resolutions get thrown in the bin alongside your running shoes and nutritious salads, how about instead you live by a few key life motto’s and maybe your year will be a little better than last.
Happy 2013 everyone… I hope it is your best year yet.
Do you have any New Year quotes you hope to live by in 2013?