Full Moon PARTAAY … not just in Thailand.
After a month in the UK in September, partying with friends… perhaps a little too much, I decided to give my body a detox and stay off alcohol for a month. This would save me money and time spent recovering from too much wine. Plus if the wine in Sri Lanka was anything like the wine in India I would be better off without anyway.

So a month went by spending my evenings drinking water and banana milkshakes, using bars for their wifi only and only failing with the no alcohol rule twice … but both times other people bought me the drinks so it DEFINITELY doesn’t count.

When I found out from folk in my hostel that there was a full moon party the day after my one month no drinking ended … well how could I refuse! What better way to celebrate!?

The full moon party was taking place on Sentosa island (the one that is a bit like Disney), clean beyond clean, Starbucks, 5* hotels and white sandy beaches (I am pretty certain were shipped in).

I arrived about 11pm and things were just starting to kick off, the alcohol was beyond expensive at $12 for a small beer (about £6) but luckily I met some cool folk on the bus in who were willing to share their booze on the beach outside the official party boundaries. It was FREE to get in AND included in the FREE price you get FREE glow sticks … an essential part of any full moon party! Sadly I didn’t find any body paint, but had enough glow sticks to keep us shining below that beautiful full moon we were celebrating.

Now don’t expect thousands of people ala Thailand style but if in Singapore for a full moon, look up the Sentosa Island full moon party, take some cheap booze and head in for fire dancers, awesome music, loads of fellow travellers and friendly locals and have a bloody good party!

I for one won’t be going that long again without partying, I had forgotten just how much fun it is! Bring on NYE in Koh Phangan, Thailand for the real deal next month!
Are you going back to Nepal before the end of the year? I’m actually going to be travelling over there for a volunteer placement through Volunteer Society Nepal.
I am probably not going to make it back to Nepal this year but hopefully in the future. What kind of volunteering will you be doing?