Jubilee Celebrations… Community at it’s best!
Happy Volunteers Week Everyone!
I hope you are all having a fun, volunteering filled week and celebrating the incredible, inspirational achievements of volunteers across the country and the globe. I’m sure this year may have seen even more people getting involved in volunteering thanks to a weekend of celebrations for the Queen’s jubilee.

Living in London it would have been easy to stick around and watch the million pound celebrations and events taking place up and down the river and city… but it is times like this when I just have to head home to join in with my village celebrations. There is nothing more humbling than seeing people in the village of all ages get together to organise events and celebrate our heritage… we really don’t do it enough in the UK.

Having two homes up north I celebrated two different village jubilee parties, one in Birchover, Derbyshire and the other in Norton Disney, Lincolnshire. Both shining beacons of community spirit, supporting your neighbour and volunteering at it’s best.

Home baked cakes, volunteer musicians, a barn dance, a hog roast, a raffle, pass the parcel (for the little ones) and lots of merriment. What more can you ask for?
Queen Elizabeth, I salute you, thank you for your service but most of all thanks for creating an opportunity for the UK to get together and celebrate everything we love about our country.
Tea and scones anyone?
Visit the Volunteers Week website to find out what is happening and how you can get involved.
Tomorrow I am off to Birmingham to volunteer for Ecclesiastical do ‘Good For Nothing’ More info soon, but follow #ecclesgoodfornothing on twitter to find out more…