Not so… Secret Scarborough
Small pathways leading to secret coves, tracks taking you round in circles through the trees and up to the top of the cliff, mystery ramshackle buildings and small antique shops tucked around forgotten corners… there are lots of secret sides to Scarborough you only find if you put the effort in.
But… you don’t have to put in all that effort to reap the rewards that Scarborough has to offer, in fact there many a fun thing to do, that you can enjoy along with the many other tourists young and old visiting this old fashioned Yorkshire beach town.

Here are my top typical toursity things to do in Scarborough
- EAT – fish and chips, candy floss, tea and scones, rock… all those blissful beachy treats you feel oh so crass taking part in … you know want nothing more than to walk along the beach with your mouth full of ice cream or sit on the promenade tucking into some battered fish and chips… go on you know you’re going to enjoy it.
- SUNBATHE – hells it’s 18 degrees, the clouds are a good 100 yards away, quick strip to your underwear (bikini if you’re truly organised) and bask in the glorious sunshine alongside the other pasty white British bathers.
- DONKEY RIDES – can you get any more quaint than taking a ride on a donkey, well actually you’re not allowed, unless you are exceptionally small and weightless, but take your children, younger siblings, nieces and nephews etc and watch them delight in this old fashioned past time.
- GAMBLING – 10p slot machines, grab a toy, dance masters and bingo grannies, they have it all in the many archades along the sea front, in town, on the back streets, the choices are endless
- SAND CASTLES – another delightful fun way to hang with the kids, or with your friends, build sand castles, bury your friends in the sand (heads above ground obviously) and watch the sea move in and destroy your handiwork.
- PEOPLE WATCH – I literally could spend hours people watching in different towns across the country, Scarborough is definitely no exception. I saw the cutest old couple write ‘Jean loves John’ in the sand and then John gave Jean a little kiss and they walked off holding hands… single handedly the cutest thing ever. You might only get a screaming kid or unruly teenager, but you just never know who or what you might spot.
I love Scarborough equally for it’s secret side as I do it’s not so secret side…. head along and you are sure to have a bloomin brilliant time t’up norf.
Ahhh I grew up in Scarborough so I’m now incredibly home sick. People watching in Scarborough can be an eye opener though, depending on the size of the moon
Aaa sorry to make you homesick.. though hopefully it was in a good way 🙂