Photos to Remember Matlock in Lockdown
I thought I would share some photos of Matlock in Lockdown to remember this strange time. As we appear to be moving into a new phase of lockdown, I am continuing to live life much the same as I have been for the last few weeks.
I have noticed the roads in Matlock getting busier on my daily walks or trips to the shop. Perhaps for now we have seen the end of deserted streets, but the long queues are maybe here a while longer. As things start to change I thought it would be important to remember the time when there was no one on the streets, the roads were empty and all was calm and still in Matlock. Except perhaps the supermarket queue!
On my walks around town and the local paths and countryside I have been taking photos of Matlock in lockdown. From the closed off swings, to empty streets and rainbows in windows. I am not a photographer and all my photos have been taken on my phone. However I have added in a few local photographers shots of Matlock in lockdown too, who have agreed to let me share their photos with you too.
If you have any more you’d like to add please drop me an email.
If you’re reading this and you’re from Matlock I have a couple of other Matlock posts you might find useful.
Restaurants and food shops delivering in Matlock
Local Businesses in Matlock still delivering during lockdown
Photos to Remember Matlock in Lockdown
Thanks for photographers Ashley Bird of Radio Free Matlock fame, Paul Smith from High Edge Photography, Jenna Redfern, Lucy DeLacy and Danny Rich from Matlock Web Design for letting me share their photos.
These photos may remind us of some strange, sad times, but also perhaps some good times amongst it all too.
The empty streets during lockdown in Matlock
I drove past Firs Parade today and it looked quite different to this. A bit more like the usual with cars parked along both sides of the street. As much as I would like to see all the shops open again, I do quite like it quiet.
It’s spooky though, these quiet streets. I look forward to a day when Matlock is bustling again, when the market is back, the festivals are on in the park and we can all give our friends a big hug when we pass in the street.

Rainbows and Thank Yous in Matlock
I have loved spotting rainbows and messages for the NHS on my walks around town. Especially these cute little painted rocks I found on a walk up to High Tor.

Queues during lockdown in Matlock
Why is there always the longest queue outside Wilko’s? What’s with that? It is generally longer than the supermarket and all the other shops open in Matlock, even the chemist! I guess everyone else is painting the garden fence too?!

Teddy Bear’s Picnics in the windows of Matlock
Are there still bears in windows? I’ve spotted a few more on my walks, but didn’t take photos. Perhaps it should be a permanent treasure hunt for walks around town. For adults and children!

Celebrating VE Day in Lockdown
We may not have celebrated VE day in the way we had hoped, but it was lovely to see the flags out, to hear some musicians playing on the day and celebrate from our gardens and homes in small ways.

New walks and beautiful scenery in Matlock during lockdown
I’ve found so many new walks from home since lockdown. I’ve enjoyed exploring so many new places on my doorstep and still feel like there is so much more to explore.
Have you found any new walks around Matlock (or near where you live) since lockdown?

A few positive memories of lockdown in photos
Because yer it’s been ‘a bit shit’ but there have been some joyful, happy moments to come out of this too. Walks with Rowland, sunshine gin and tonics in the garden, finding a pop up library box and even starting to run!

We will look back on this time one day and there will be so much sadness for many, hard times, difficult memories and so much loss.
But there will also be some good memories too…
The time we all slowed down for just a moment and started appreciating what was on our doorstep. When we realised how great home cooked food can be and we appreciated the small things in nature that can bring a smile to our faces even on the hard days.
I certainly feel exceptionally lucky to live in such a beautiful, kind and caring town. I can’t think of anywhere I would rather be locked down. OK maybe the Maldives?! 😉
If you’ve got any photos of Matlock in lockdown you’d like me to add then send me an email. I’d love to gather a few more memories from all of us of this strange time.
Follow the photographers
Thanks again to everyone who let me share their photos on here. Follow the photographers on the links below.
- Ashley Bird’s website
- Ash on Twitter
- High Edge Photography’s website
- Matlock Web Design
- Me (not a photographer) on Instagram
Paul from High Edge Photography has over 40 gorgeous photos of Matlock in lockdown with prints available in a whole host of sizes. Until the end of June Paul is splitting all profit made from the sale of photos from his Mat-lockdown Collection between All Saint’s School in Matlock and the NHS. Go get yourself a beautiful Matlock image and give to good causes too 🙂
Other posts you might like
- Helping From Home – Radio Free Matlock keeping us together
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Thanks for photos, had home there for 20 years, enjoyed it when job allowed occasional time at home. Great town, awesome area.