8 Reasons to love America – Happy Thanksgiving

Despite America’s recent scary announcement telling it’s residents to not travel, (which I don’t agree with and won’t go into now) I do LOVE America and if you don’t already, hopefully this post will persuade you why you should.

So in light of Thanksgiving, here are my…

8 reasons to love America

8 reasons to love America

The huge food portions

OK so it might be a cliche but America has delightfully huge portions in almost every restaurant.

The best bit is that it is perfectly ok and normal to ask for a doggy bag to take home with you, so you can enjoy it all over again the next day. From towering burgers, to cream topped waffles and sweet sundaes.

The food is magnificent, huge and generally very delicious.

The California sun

I couldn’t talk about why I love America without mentioning California.

A state close to my heart where I spent a wonderful year at university in Santa Cruz. Walking the boardwalk, chowing down on the best sushi I’ve ever had and admiring the incredible views in the beautiful California sun.

California coastal route views

The road trip opportunities

Long never ending roads each leading to a new adventure, a new town or city or national park.

The number of roadtrips you can do in America is limitless.

I have done my fair share of roadtrips, from the Grand Canyon and beyond with Trek America, to a full trip across the country, to driving down the ‘1’ in a convertible. There are still many more on my list, including heading north to Chicago, Seattle and even Alaska.

It is so easy to find last minute cheap accommodation in the USA too. Whether you stop off at a motel when it’s time for a rest, or bid for a last minute cheap deal on RoomAuction, you don’t need to set too strict plans so your roadtrip just goes with flow.

This is Vicente the Banana Slug, the Santa Cruz mascot which travelled across America with us…

roadtrip USA

The friendly people

In London you will be looked on like a loon if you start talking to a stranger, but in the USA it is perfectly normal. In fact you are weird and rude if you don’t speak to strangers. Whether it is in a cafe, on the subway or just walking down the street, the locals will be sure to give you any advice you need and tell you a bit about their no doubt exciting life at the same time.

Here is Devon my Trek America leader and he was the friendliest guy around…

Devon Blunden Trek America

The education

I was lucky enough to spend two years studying in the USA.

The first year as an English Speaking Union Scholar at The Lawrenceville School and the second year on a study abroad programme at The University of California, Santa Cruz.

I hate to admit it but both years of education were highly superior to my education in the UK. The most inspiring teachers and lecturers, interesting courses, variety, creativity… shall I continue?!

If you get the chance to study in the USA or send your children there I do recommend it.

Lawrenceville alumni Class of 2004

The best cities

New York City and San Francisco are two of my favourite places in the world.

Each different but incredible in their own ways.

New York with it’s towering metropolis, endless supply for glamorous and entrepreneurial people and San Francisco a foody heaven with so many interesting environmental and sustainability projects.

New York City street artThe American Dream

It’s still alive today, that American Dream is a real thing.

Perhaps not all Americans feel it, but I would say on average, compared to the UK, Americans have a more ‘go getty’ ‘Yes I can do this’ ‘watch me shine’ attitude to work, business and life.

I like to regularly visit this dreamy country to get my share of the medicine. YES I CAN DO THIS!


I couldn’t not mention America’s favourite feast at this time of year.

A holiday that is perhaps bigger than Christmas in the USA and is followed by the biggest shopping day in their calendar… Black Friday. But who cares about shopping when there is a table full of turkey with all the trimmings to be eaten?!

I have spent a couple of Thanksgivings in America and both were filled with delicious food, friends and family (someone else’s). It is this time of year I most remember my time in the United States, looking back on those two years as perhaps the best of my life.

America I love you. Readers I hope you now love it too.

In honour of Thanksgiving 2015 I shared my recent challenge on finding ways to be thankful every day.


Have you been to America? What do you love the most?

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  1. Oh America, it’s such a great country! And I completely agree with the American Dream part – people from the USA, in general, do seem to have an extra air of confidence around them, like they’re so secure in themselves and know what they want with no doubt they can achieve it. And New York City, I love that place. I’d love to go over to California though and do a bit of road tripping down the west coast 🙂

  2. I also got the opportunity to study in the US two years ago, and it has hands down been one of the most life changing experiences in my life so far. Can definitely recommend anyone to do it if they get the chance!

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