Feel Good Do Good: Week 2, Friends, family and Giving a crap!
Hurrah end of week 2 already. I got some great feedback from last week’s first Feel Good Do Good post so I’ve already been excited to write week two’s report.
Writing these has certainly made me take note of what I am doing to do more good in the world, and after reading back last week’s blog post I thought hell I can do better than this… but I guess that’s the point! I am holding myself accountable and I hope each week I will try something new or do a little bit more to do good in the world.
Feel Good Do Good – Week 2
Feel Good: Spending time with my favourite girls
I read an article that hanging out with your girlfriends at least twice a week is good for your wellbeing… So I quickly booked in more girly gatherings. Including brunch with my school besties and dinner at one of my oldest friend’s houses.
I always enjoy the giggles, serious chats and fun I have with my favourite girlfriends and though twice a week can sometimes be tricky as a grown adult, I’m going to book in as many get togethers with my favourite ladies as I can. Maybe a holiday or two too.

I wrote about some of my favourite things to do on a girly weekend in Lisbon this week too.
Do Good: Giving a crap about toilet roll
I’m determined to start making more ethical shopping choices around the house as much as possible. What better place to start than toilet roll!
My sisters bought me a couple of rolls of ‘who gives a crap’ toilet roll for Christmas (shit present haha – pun intended) and I’ve now ordered a regular delivery of their loo roll. They use ethical materials to make their loo roll and donate 50% of their profits to building toilets around the world for those in need. So hopefully I can feel good because I’m doing good every time I wipe my bottom. How lovely!
Feel Good: Weekend snuggles with Rowland the Viszla
I did warn you dogs will be a regular feature. We spent last weekend looking after Rowland and it was just what I needed. Morning snuggles, afternoon walks.

He’s such a friendly, handsome chap. ‘Everyone loves Rowland’ Even VickyFlipFlop who is a self confessed dog disliker… she loved Rowland though!!

Do Good: Becoming Chair of the Peak District National Park Foundation
We had our first proper meeting for the Peak District National Park Foundation last week and I was delighted and honoured to be made Chair! We are still in the process of registering with the Charity Commission, but already have lots of big plans and ideas to grow the charity to support the Peak District as much as possible.

I mentioned in my last Feel Good Do Good post how great being a trustee is and I’m going to write more about it very soon.
Feel Good: Reading & drinking tea on the sofa
It’s no secret I love to read. I’ve been sharing my favourite books on Instagram for a while and you can catch up on my brief monthly reviews on my Instagram highlights if you’re interested. This weekend (and last) I spent some wonderful quality time with, my book and a big mug of tea curled up on the sofa. It was bliss.
I try and find time to this every week and if I’m not reading on the sofa with tea it’s on the train, in bed or walking down the street like a really annoying person with their head in their phone not looking where they’re going. Yup that’s me but with books!
I wrote a post a couple of years ago about how I read a book a week for a year and I’m on target to do it again this year, fingers crossed I stay on track.
Feel Good: Phone chats with my dad (and emails)
I love my family, honestly they are the absolute best, all of them. This week I’ve had lots of calls with my pops to talk about tips on being Chair, potential houses I’ve viewed and general check ups on my wrist. I love when an email from Pops pops into my inbox or I have a dad missed call (much to his annoyance it’s always on silence so I rarely answer it first time).
Family are great… go call them, plan a coffee catch up, do it now! 🙂
Do Good: Trying to make the right decisions at the supermarket
We did a big supermarket shop at the weekend… living it large folks! We had to get quite a few ‘essentials’ and I tried where possible to make more ethical choices. Refillable hand-wash instead of another new bottle, loose vegetables instead of those wrapped in plastic, choosing glass bottles or tins over plastic.
I think often the answer is not to shop at the supermarket but find smaller more ethical brands (which is the aim, starting with the poo roll!)… but Hello… really shouldn’t the supermarkets be doing MORE already! A few decisions by the big guys is going to make a helluva lot more difference than my contribution.
But for now I will continue improving upon my small decisions and hopefully, collectively, as individuals we will make difference.
The not so good…
Not being able to drive
Ok so ethically not driving is probably better, but argh wrist will you fix yourself already, I need my freedom back! Plus Olly and mum and Tim are probably pretty over being my taxi driver. Thanks and sorry folks 🙂
Being Hungover
OMG I’m so old, I can’t hack it. Though I had a wonderful night out last night with my colleagues to say farewell to my fellow puppy loving colleague Ash, I felt it today. Currently debating stopping drinking for a while… but perhaps I will change my mind tomorrow when it’s time for a Valentine’s G&T.?!
So there we have it, week 2 is done and really I’m already half way through week 3. I do enjoy writing these and feel slowly I may become the most ethical person around… maybe!
Tell me about your #FeelGoodDoGood week in the comments or on Twitter or Instagram.