100 Fun things to do at Home (while self isolating)
It’s looking more and more likely that we’re all going to be stuck at home for a while due to Coronavirus, so here are 100 fun things to do at home while self isolating, to keep us entertained and try and stop cabin fever setting in.
I’m going to see how many I can tick off over the coming weeks… Number 4… Tick! Number 11… pleeaassee someone help me fulfil this right now!
If you’ve got any more to add let me know in the comments! 🙂
100 fun things to do at home (while self isolating)
- Video call someone in your family
- Have a virtual dinner party with friends
- A day long netflix marathon
- Start a new blog (like I did)
- Plan a new business
- Meditate
- Rearrange your bedroom
- Declutter your wardrobe – go minimalist
- Have a clear out and make a pile of stuff for charity
- Bake a cake
- Snuggle with your dog
- or you cat
- or any pets in the house
- Write a gratitude journal
- Write a diary
- Write a book!
- Read a book
- Read ALL the books
- Sit and drink a cup of tea
- Drink many cups of tea (I recommend Yorkshire!)
- Try a new recipe
- Make up a recipe with whatever random food you have left in the house
- Make some food for your neighbours who might be in need
- Sit and stare out the window
- Draw
- Paint
- Write a letter to a friend
- Write an email to friends
- Do a crossword puzzle
- Write a poem
- Play a computer game (this one is from Olly!)
- Redecorate a room
- Deep clean your kitchen (this is genuinely fun for me!)
- Repot your plants
- Have a picnic on the floor
- Make a photo album
- Make a photo album for a friend
- Start a creativity book (blog post on this coming soon)
- Make Mars Bar Cake (my favourite)
- Sort out all your digital photos
- Eat some chocolate
- Eat some cake
- Eat lots of cake
- Plant some vegetables
- Redesign your garden/balcony
- Start a giant jigsaw
- Attempt to finish the giant jigsaw
- Realise some pieces are missing from the jigsaw so give up
- Have a lie in
- Have breakfast in bed
- Make housemates/lodgers/family breakfast in bed
- Support online businesses
- Make a TikTok video (not cool enough for this myself yet!)
- Learn yoga
- Learn to do a handstand
- Do a fitness video
- Do an online course
- Do 5 online courses
- Learn a new language
- Watch a film you’d never normally watch
- Make up a new dance
- Learn a traditional dance
- Donate to a charity (I recommend The Peak District National Park Foundation)
- See what volunteering you can do from home
- Learn to knit
- Learn to sew
- Teach your dog/hamster/tortoise a new trick
- Have sex 😉
- Have some more sex
- Put your music on really loud
- Turn your music down so you don’t annoy the neighbours
- Have a dance party with your friends via video call
- Make candles
- Play cards
- Plat Dobble (oo this gets competitive!)
- Whatever you do… don’t play Monopoly!
- Take some photos
- Travel without leaving your house
- Make a video of life at home
- Make a photo collage
- Make a list of things to do when you can get out again
- Make a dream list for your career/work/business
- See what you can do now to make those dreams a reality
- If you’re single set up some virtual dates
- Watch some YouTube videos
- Make your own YouTube video
- Take a virtual museum tour
- Order a takeaway (especially a Chinese or Italian!)
- Wash your hands
- Wash them again
- Have a really long bubbly bath with candles (and wine!)
- Try a new hairstyle
- Grow a beard
- Stay in your pyjamas all day
- Dress up all fancy for dinner
- Have a nap
- Make a to do list
- Defrost the freezer
- Fill the freezer with home-cooked meals
- Do nothing!
Wow that was fun! Can you think of anymore? When you start thinking about it there is so much we can do from home.
![100 fun things to do at home](https://shegetsaround.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_1544-1024x768.jpg)
I don’t have kids so haven’t included anything about entertaining kids but will try and find a guest poster for that one 🙂
Let me know what you’re keeping yourself busy with if self isolating or just spending more time hanging out at home. I’m planning on being really productive (as long as I don’t get sick!) and finally do all the things I’ve been wanting to do for ages like sorting my photos (hello 70,000 photos on my iPhone!) and sorting my expenses now rather than leaving it until the last moment in December.
Stay safe everyone and please so share what you’re up to at home.
Much love
Jen x
![100 fun things to do at home](https://shegetsaround.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Hemp-Woman-Face-Beauty-Pinterest-Graphic-683x1024.jpg)