How I walked over 100 miles in January and how it helped my wellbeing

How I walked over 100 miles in January and how it helped my wellbeing

…o meet up with one other person for a walk outside, so if you can and feel comfortable, I recommend doing it. Whether you live alone or with a house full of children, I think we are all craving communication with people outside of our household. Zoom calls just don’t cut it. How Walking Every Day Improved My Wellbeing Walking 100 miles is great, but the real benefit has been to my wellbeing. I would say on the whole I have felt a lot better than S…

5 ways to welcome refugees to the UK this Refugee Week

5 ways to welcome refugees to the UK this Refugee Week

…eople to get involved. You could start by submitting your Simple Act of Welcome and then search for any number of opportunities to help out after this week. Happy Refugee Week everyone. Let’s make this week count and encourage more people around us to support and welcome refugees and asylum seekers coming over to our country, often fleeing a life far worse in their own country. I will be celebrating by sharing stories of welcome on social media an…

How to budget for regular travel

…pp too. There are loads of blog posts out there that can show you detailed example budgets for different cities and countries, a quick Google search should bring a few relevant posts up. I’ve written a great budget for a weekend in London if it’s any help to you 🙂 Spend the same as you would on a weekend going out in the UK This one is my favourite. I have done this a few times in the past, its particularly true if you live in an expensive city li…

Blogging confessions and a life update

Blogging confessions and a life update

…leave me warn out and wanting to do nothing but snuggle up in bed with the latest episode of Doctor Foster. I haven’t watched the final yet by the way so shhh! I know what kind of blogger am I?! I feel like a total fraud and need to up my game. I work for free too much Ok so those top bloggers are going to not be happy about this one, but the truth is I work for free on my blog. Though I do occasionally get paid for a press trip, I do still accept…

The ultimate guide to travelling in a campervan with a dog

The ultimate guide to travelling in a campervan with a dog

…eems to have grown out of it and loves a trip away now. Photo from Our 10 top tips for travelling in a campervan with a dog 1) Pet passports If you’re travelling abroad, make sure your pet has their own passport. We also recommend storing it with the rest of your family’s passports, as this is a very easy thing to forget! 2) Tire them out before you travel Humans are used to car journeys and, since we…

5 Things we can Learn from Nature

5 Things we can Learn from Nature

…certainly felt more connected to nature since lockdown… have you? Nature is aware A bear’s sense of smell is 2100 x better than a humans. Eagles can see more colours than us, including UV and an in built zoom to focus in on prey from up to 2 miles away. A flower will turn itself to the sun for maximum rays! Different animals are so aware of what’s surrounding them, using different senses to find their food…

The Beach House: Where to stay in Milford-on-Sea

The Beach House: Where to stay in Milford-on-Sea

…e room! Heaven! Braving the storm After getting settled in, we went off in search of our good friends Lucy, Oli and baby Anäis. Normally this would be a simple task, however we found that mobile signal is a bit sketchy down in Milford on Sea. After searching the hotel in vain (with one false alarm when we heard a crying baby which turned out to be from the room next to theirs!) we set off out into the wild winds, stinging sea spray and lashing rai…