5 tips for making your life unforgettable
Everybody wants to make an impact, everyone wants to leave their mark, whether that’s through being the best daughter, wife, husband, friend or doing something big to help the world. You don’t have to be Einstein to leave your mark or make your life unforgettable for yourself and others. There are many little things you can do to gather amazing memories that will be yours forever more and perhaps even passed down to future family members when you are gone.
Here are my 5 tips for making your life unforgettable!
Plan a BIG adventure in little steps
There is nothing more unforgettable than a big trip or adventure. I travelled across Asia for 9 months 6 years ago and it truly was a trip to remember. There were so many random little memories of my big travels and I love reminiscing with friends I met abroad or telling the family about funny stories even now, many years later. Your big adventure doesn’t have to involve going away for months but could be a mountain climb, a holiday to a far away country you’ve always dreamed of going or a UK holiday with your best friends. Start planning now, whether that is saving your pennies or booking the flight or creating a dream board to keep focused on making your big adventure happen.
The big adventure I have been planning for a while is to buy and renovate a house, it doesn’t even involve travel, but it is definitely going to be an adventure and fingers crossed the adventure will really begin very soon.
Top of my list of adventures is a trip to the Antarctic and Arctic. My dad lived for two years in the Antarctic and so I have always dreamed of visiting his once home.
Make time for micro adventures every week
I’ve written about microadventures before and honestly believe it is something everyone can do, they can be as small as taking a different walk to work, to a weekend camping in the countryside or a road trip to a new town. Adding something new to your life every week can help with creativity in work as well as opening up so many opportunities for new experiences and meeting new people.
Do something lovely for a friend or family member
How lovely is it when you receive a surprise card or present from a friend, or they turn up to give you a hug and make you tea after a hard day? Small thoughtful things can take only a few minutes out of your day and mean so much to someone. Don’t wait until someone has a bad day either, just send a small bunch of flowers or a card to say hello or tell them how inspiring they are.
Doing something nice for someone else will go down in their memory as well as your own.
Sign up to volunteer with a charity
You don’t have to sign every weekend away to a charity or every Tuesday night for the rest of your life. There are simple ways to get involved, from organising a fundraising event to helping out on a one-off project or event. Contact your local volunteer centre or speak to a charity you really care about it and see how you may be able to help.

Some of my most unforgettable experiences were volunteering, from teaching kids in Bali to doing beach clean ups with students in the UK.
Live the life you’ve always dreamed of
I wrote about how to live the life of your dreams last week and it proved very popular. Don’t we all want to live the life we have always dreamed of? Follow my 5 steps for success in following your dreams and you will be well on your way. Don’t hold back… you can have what others have.. work hard, focus on what you want and go for it!
Do you have any tips for making life unforgettable? Or got any unforgettable experiences to share? I would love to hear them.